Why I Started

Well here it is, 

I have FINALLY bit the bullet and decided I'm going to start my own little blog. EEEEEKKK!! 
I've had a few wake up calls lately that life is too short to hold back, so I'm going to tell you all a little bit about myself.

I have always been the type of person who feels she needs to please everyone. I amen't an overly-confident girl, Don't be fooled by my Instagram, I am quiet shy and insecure under it all! Anyone who knows me well enough knows this. I've never really 100% known what to do with my life but what I did always know was my love for fashion and beauty.

With being from a small town in Kerry, it has its pro's and con's as to being from a City! The main con that held me back from ever starting my blog is because I always cared about the opinions of others, From my social media you would think I couldn't care less about these types of people but I'm only human , others opinions mattered. But thankfully I woke up and realised anyone who has something nasty or negative to say are just spiteful small minded people who don't like to see others doing well with their life.
It took me a very long time and a lot of friendly advice telling me that its not me they hate, its just down to jealousy. And I have no time for that, GIRL POWER!

If i was to begin on the pro's of Kerry i'd be here for awhile but the main one for me would be the beautiful places to go to just clear your head and get away from it all.(Which I will talk about in another post).

Sometimes I feel I've been labelled by others. So many people judge on the opinions of others and I think that is SO wrong! I went through one of the hardest times of my life a couple of years ago, My confidence was completely destroyed, I suffered severe anxiety, which will always be a part of me and I lost trust in everyone.
One of the main things that got me out of this was the support of my family and friends which I am forever grateful for as it saved me. 

I'm just lucky to have such amazing friends ,family and a boyfriend in my life who always tell me to just go for it, who cares! And anyone who does care is only jealous, So I want to say a massive thank you and I love you to those people, ye're the best!

Another reason why I wanted to start this blog is I ALWAYS get girls writing to me asking me where do I get my outfits from and I love when they do ! Its so nice to be noticed especially with all the competition out there! I know I don't have a massive following but everyone has to start somewhere. I love fashion, if I only had 20e left in my account I would still go off and spend it on clothes ( which my mom/dad/sisters can vouch for) I just cant help myself! But if it makes me feel good about myself then I'm happy out. I've also been picked out by a few companies to advertise there items which is unreal in my eyes because I didnt even have a blog then! They just liked my Instagram page and that makes me feel so good about myself, little me from Tralee being noticed!

Anyway that's just a little bit about me ,  the moral of my story is no matter how many times you get knocked down only you can pick yourself back up again! Never let fear stop you from living your life, Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will. I've finally conquered my fear and I cannot wait to start this journey!!

Ill have another post up during the week  just said Id open with a little bit about the real me. I am very excited to start my new chapter in life and I hope I'm some what helpful to all my lovely followers. Always remember you can do anything if you just put your mind to it!


  1. I love this! So raw and honest. Go you! -Kristen-Jayne

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