Stand Up For You

Hey gals&guys.

So today I've decided to write a little personal blog post as I've noticed so much negativity online lately & seeing as I myself have been a victim to the keyboards warriors and the real life bullies I have a bit to say.
Now don't get me wrong I love social media , mainly Instagram , but it can be so cruel at times. I will never understand why people have so much hate towards someone who is doing well or doing what they want to do with their lives? It's not your decision on how someone else lives their life so why waste your time speaking negatively of someone else.

No one in this world is perfect, If I was to begin on the amount of mistakes I've made in my life I could write a book! But I don't dwell on the past, Why look back? You may not be able to change the past but you most certainly can learn from it and move on positively.

I hate bullies, they genuinely boil my blood.
A couple of years ago my confidence was at its lowest. I would hate having to leave my house because I was so afraid of people even looking at me. If I walked past someone on the street and they looked I automatically thought they didn't like me. And why did I think that? Because I was so torn down by a certain few bullies that I was terrified everyone else hated me too. I would be on a night out and girls would bang off me for no reason, they would spread horrible rumours about me and one night someone even put a cigarette out on my back! And the funny thing about it is I never did anything out of the way to these 'people', I was just hated for being me!

I didn't speak to anyone about this for months, I was so angry all the time. I was in such a dark place, No one could understand what was wrong because I wouldn't tell them anything. It was horrible, I could see what I was becoming but I couldn't stop myself because I was sick of being the one being bullied and thought no one could help me.

I remember one night my friends convinced me to go out and although I was terrified and my anxiety was through the roof I did it anyway. At one stage I left to go to the bathroom and a girl who I don't know personally threw a drink over the back of me. I was so shocked I didn't know what to do. Why would someone do that to someone they don't know? How can someone be so nasty? When I think back on that night I remember I turned around & looked at her and she was looking away as if she didn't do it. No shock she was a coward. She had also added me on Facebook and followed my Instagram before this happened so when I bumped into her again I decided to confront her. And you will genuinely laugh at this, I simply asked her what her problem was with me and she said " nobody likes you " (good reason isn't it) I laughed and said so why did you add me on Facebook and follow me on Instagram and she said " because everyone else was doing it" , Like sorrrrrrry now, WHAT? Hahaha I still laugh every time. I was so proud for standing up for myself and no surprise I haven't been bothered by her since!
(And that's only one minor experience I've had!)

Now I still wasn't okay at this stage, until one day I just broke down. I cried to my friend for hours on how I hated myself, I just kept asking myself why me? Why did these people feel the need to pick on me? And she told me, Clodagh it's jealousy, you have done nothing wrong, you are an amazing person do not let them win. That's all I needed to hear. One person in my life is all it took to make me feel okay again. Its amazing how opening up to even one person can make you feel.

One of the reasons I started this blog is because I want anyone who has ever felt this way to come to me, I've been there, it is the worst feeling in the world and I want to help. In a way the bullying that happened to me made me who I am today. I love the person I am and I want to help others to feel the same way about themselves that I do about myself.
I also will never hold a grudge. Holding a grudge will only make you as bad as them. Just move on and act as if you don't know them. I don't need that negativity in my life thank youuuu!

I'm also a firm believer in karma. If someone does something to you then don't worry, karma will get them, it always does. I've seen it happen with my own two eyes, it feels great knowing you didn't have to do a thing, it all happens naturally. Always be the bigger person.

I love thinking about the future, I love not knowing what comes next for me. Everything happens for a reason , whether you believe that or not that's up to you, but I personally cannot stress it enough. I love everything/everyone in my life at the moment and I am so grateful to just be healthy and happy with where I am today. Don't panic about the future it will all work out for you one way or another. Even when you are at rock bottom and think there is no way you can move on from it, YOU CAN. Who is anyone to tell you what you can and cant do? Only you can decide your future and the sooner you realise that the better.

I hope this helped even one of you who is feeling how I once felt. I am not looking for any sympathy or anything like that, I'm simply here telling you all this to show you if I can get through it you can too.
Don't compare your life to others, there is no comparison between the sun and the moon, they shine when its their time to shine. See the good in every situation and remember there are so many beautiful reasons to be happy .

It costs nothing to be kind,


